Sunday 15 November 2015


Over 100 years, Western influence in the Far East, Middle East and in parts of South and Central America has been so malign that I think we need to
  • Move out of the Middle East, where our 100 years of military intervention and unappreciated influence has not gone down well;
  • move away from the War of Terrorism;
  • move out of the War industry that gives us such good economic growth and prosperity but, where our armaments, weapons and military intervention kill the people of the Middle East and are used against our own heroes of the armed services.
  • Move away from world leaders and governments being overthrown by our American led coalition.
  • Move towards greater toleration and humility in listening to and accepting the majority decisions of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
  • Move out of attacking other countries or deposing their governments, unless we have a 60 to 40 majority of General Assembly members.
  • Move away from revenge foreign policy;
  • away from drone kill as many as possible that also means mistakes are made and many innocents (non-fighters) get wiped off the face of the earth;
  • away from shoot to kill policy, to shoot to maim to bring them to trial, unless your life is in imminent danger when the Police have always been allowed to shoot to protect themselves.
  • Move away from military strength on the world stage, to moral strength on the world stage.
  • Move away from our continuous at sea, never stop threatening to wipe out much of humanity with our wonderful Weapons of Mass Destruction deterrent.

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