Thursday 6 August 2020

They want it; we make it bite, like every other national park

from Mick Freer:
As you are an advocate for this proposed 'West Midlands National Park', I suggest that you study the proposal and advise us how this will protect our countryside from the real threats that we are addressing?

We have to make it so it does.  Otherwise, the National Park is meaningless.  The authorities, the establishment came up with the idea, so they had better make our 32 sq Kms + Lutley Wedge the first AND, with the full protection that the other national parks have.  This is a perfectly reasonable request.  They want it; we make it bite, like every other national park.  Although, I recall that they built a nuclear power station in Snowdonia NP at Trawsfynydd.  At least, they won't do that with ours!!

Boris Johnson's economic growth plans must not affect our countryside.  Cobham's economic greedy growth expansion for Hagley Hall must be the very last.  We want farming and recreation NOT concrete, brick and tarmac.

Economic gain is nature's loss and our ultimate undoing.

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