Monday 6 November 2023

Gruesome horror show from the very one-sided, asymmetric war in Gaza.

Israel/West's defence policy is so incompetent and ineffective that even after 75 years of hard endeavour they have come nowhere near to wiping Hamas, Hezbollah off the face of the map. Why don't they try compromise and a negotiated settlement to live in peace with their neighbours? All they ever think of is coercion, force, violence, killings - ad nauseum. A thoroughly proven, bankrupt policy. What do you think? Tim

When will other ordinary decent people break their guilty silence and condemn brutal, barbaric Benjamin sending other ordinary, decent people to the most horrific deaths when they have nothing to do with Hamas and have never hurt anyone in their entire lives.

Where are our Jewish and Christian leaders to condemn this obvious immorality and murder of babies and the elderly stuck in their care homes and shattered hospitals unable to escape the Israeli reign of terror?
This indiscriminate slaughter of the wholly innocent men, women and children breaks every moral code in the book.

Some Hamas fighters were killed on the 7 October, the day of the Hamas atrocity. 

It is what Russia is doing on Ukraine and what our side is doing in the Yemen and has done in countless other countries since the 2nd WW.
BUT THAT IS NO EXCUSE for B Netanyahu Esq to follow our shameful example.

Every country has the right to defend itself by bombing the living daylights out of every innocent citizen from the country out of which the terrorist attack came. For up to 3 months. IMMORAL. That country is exactly the same as the terrorist thugs who slaughtered the first lot of babies, children and adults.

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