Sunday 16 November 2014

"Lest we forget" ... to keep killing foreigners, so they know who's boss and who is right!

We always remember our own people who have been killed in our hundred years of warfare around the globe.  Now, even more so, perhaps, than we have ever done in the past.  They are our heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice.  So we laud and honour them on Remembrance Sunday and Remembrance Day.  Those they killed don't get quite the same attention.  Is that because they had the temerity to kill our armed forces personnel?  In fact, we justify their murder by calling them terrorists to make it easier for us to execute them by fire and flame.  We have every right to do so when they have the barbarity to behead our clean living, honest, democratic, capitalist journalists and aid workers.

We always forget the reasons for our British armed forces going to kill and to be killed.  Isn't it funny that it is always "to protect Britain's vital security interests" or, "to respond to a security threat to the UK".  Yet, how do we end up killing so many?  Perhaps, ten to fifty times the number of our people killed defending our shores!  17,000 UK armed forces personnel killed since 1945.  How many foreigners - whoops, I mean godless Communists and, latterly, terrorists, did they and their comrades kill first?

For every single year, over the last 100 years, we clean living Brits have engaged in warfare, in far off lands (Guardian 12.2.2014).  This has always been with the full approval of NATO and, often with NATO's full engagement, too - and Israel's wars must be included, too over the last 66 years.  And, obviously, they are so essential, so righteous, so legal and moral.  Where has Russia and China been in all this?

From what I gather, since 1945, the track record of Russia and China has been morally superior to that of the Western, capitalist and 'Christian' countries.  From the Suez Crisis, to the Cuban Missile Crisis to all our years of warring in the Middle East to the present, China has been missing and Russian involvement has been much less than the Oh, The Ever So Righteous West!  Cuba was in response to our Jupiter missiles in Turkey on the border with Russia and, Russia's war in Afghanistan was much shorter than all our 13 years (and rising) of wars in that country and Iraq.  China is nowhere to be seen, in comparison with our strutting around on foreign battlefields for every year for at least the last 100 years (and rising)!

This year, I met an Icelandic man who was astonished by the number of war memorials and statues to our war heroes in London.  So many Generals, Admirals and Bomber death dealing Harris.  It never ends but, it has.  Gandhi gets one in Parliament Square, soon!

Yet, we always forget those that they have killed - always killed on foreign shores and never in Britain. 

In answer to this point. All those who died in the two world wars are remembered. No one is forgotten.

Ode of Rememberance:-

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

A reference to all who died.

We always forget the reasons for our British armed forces going to kill and to be killed.
Tim. This is not true. Of course we remember why we go to war.

Isn't it funny that it is always "to protect Britain's vital security interests" or, "to respond to a security threat to the UK".
To answer this point.

We went to war to protect not only our own interests but the interests of probably the rest of the world. We fought against Hitler and the Kieser. Both of whom had the same inclination. World domination. They had to be stopped. And if we didn't stop them, someone else would.

always killed on foreign shores and never in Britain.
We are an island. More difficult to reach. We stop
poeple before they reach us. Except the Romans and the Duke of Normandy. Remember the Spanish. The Germans tried twice and failed.

For every single year, over the last 100 years, we clean living Brits have engaged in warfare, in far off lands.  This has always been with the full approval of NATO and often with NATO's full engagement, too
To answer this point. We have engaged in war fare over the past 100 years, not only to protect our own interests but others too. We fought alongside other countries, all attempting to protect their own interests, land and freedom. Of course NATO was involved. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. It's the North Atlantic areas initially that were threatened. The world would come later.

In 2015, STOP voting for the three main war parties whose foreign policies kill, indiscriminately
in the Muslim majority world
Most Muslims are peaceful Poeple. Around 90%. The remaining 10% are Islamic Terrorists hell bent on creating a Muslamist world. And look at the appalling, atrocious, methods they use. They are threatening the entire western world. They have to be stopped. However, this battle will go on for a very long time. Dialogue is futile. They war and kill amongst themselves.

So there you are Tim. The reasons why I wear the blood red badge. You are living in a democracy were you are free to do as you wish. That's what those poeple died for in two world wars. Tom

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