Friday 22 March 2024

Questions for Conservative Central Office

Dear James

Could Central Office answer these questions please:
  1. After five months of intensive and, supposedly, competent warfare on Gaza, shouldn't the IDF, by now, have finally stopped all the Hamas rockets and killed every Hamas fighter?
  2. Therefore, has Hamas's military wing been eliminated and the IDF can now finally claim victory and immediately stop the bombardment of Gaza and the further killings?
  3. If not, how does Hamas in Gaza continue to acquire armaments and ammunition to still kill Israelis?
  4. From Egypt via the tunnels into Gaza?
  5. Strict occupation, control and tight restrictions bring starvation and famine for many Gazans.  There is a pittance of aid coming in but still plenty of Hamas armaments and ammunition.  Is that right?
  6. 30,000 death toll of Palestinians.  What is it for Israelis - please?
  7. When will the IDF go into the tunnels to bring out the hostages?
  8. Did the IDF, themselves, shoot dead three hostages who were surrendering, stripped to the waist and with their hands up? 
  9. After 76 years of intermittent wars, how is it that Israel, the most powerful and nuclear weapons-equipped country in the Middle East, still, has not won the war on Palestine by stopping Palestinian attacks on them?
  10. How many more decades will it take for Israel to defeat the Palestinians and bring peace and quiet to all Israelis - Arab and Jewish?
  11. Was it, overwhelmingly, the Arabs and Turks who occupied the land of Israel from the fall of Jerusalem in 70 CE to 1948 CE?
  12. Does that make it over 1800 years in mainly Arab/Turkish hands?  "The bride is beautiful but she is already taken." (report to Theodor Herzl)

Added on 22.3.24:

Why is the Incompetent Defence Force not able to put an end to Hamas after nearly six months of trying but failing to eliminate Hamas?

32,000 Gazans killed of which 13,000 are children and, Israel says 8,000 are Hamas fighters.

How many more Hamas fighters do they have to kill before the Incompetent Defence Force finally succeed and, once again, is victorious?

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