Sunday 8 August 2021



Respond effectively to the Climate Emergency and promote good health by getting the nation walking using SAFE stiles, with FOOTSTEPS and, SAFE FOOTBRIDGES no longer closed along with their approach footpaths.

Rickety stiles or stiles without footsteps and closed or missing footbridges are no encouragement to get out and enjoy the great outdoors.

Make it easier for shorter and older walkers put off by stiles that need an undignified struggle to get over.

Self-closing, metal GATES are best; not old-fashioned wooden stiles!

MORE DETAIL: I think it is so important to have simply the ability to roam on existing footpath infrastructure and bridges that is being taken away from us through neglect and the passage of time.  That kind of right to roam is pretty basic but is being lost.

We cannot even be given the right to roam on public paths and footbridges, let alone expecting what is either side to be given to us as open access land!

Having more land designated as open access when it is already, unofficially available would be nice to have but, it is access to existing official rights of way that must come first and be foremost in any campaign, I think.  I am deliberately hi-jacking the "right to roam" phrase for a much more noble and vital cause!

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