Friday 13 August 2021

The climate on steroids - we have turned up the dial to make weather events more extreme and more likely

"Human activity is changing the world's climates in unprecedented and sometimes irreversible ways says the 9 Aug 2021 IPCC report from a group of scientists whose findings are endorsed by the world's governments.  A landmark report and a code red for humanity.  It is no longer a warning about the future.  Scientists now say they are virtually certain that the rising incidence and intensity of dangerous heatwaves and other extreme weather events that we have seen in recent times, including this year, can be attributed to human-induced climate warming."

"The world will warm until the middle of the century whatever path we take."  As long as global temperatures are rising and currently they are doing that at a rate that has not been seen for at least 2,000 years and the world is warmer now than it has been in at least 125,000 years

"... these extremes are only getting worse.  ... the climate is changing so fast that there are more extreme and unprecedented extremes to come.

We need to halve emissions by 2030 and be at net zero by the middle of the century."

Dr Friedericke Otto - climate scientist

BBC 'Inside Science', 12 Aug 2021

This behaviour is the very kind that is worsening the climate emergency as we all burn up our finite fossil fuels as if they will never run out. And, it brings the disturbed climate patterns and extreme weather events that climate scientists have been reporting since 1988 "whose findings are endorsed by the world's governments." Yet no action from them in 30 years!

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