Monday 6 September 2010

Why not believe in God?

  • There is no evidence for 'God'. It has to be solely a question of faith.
  • There was no creation moment for life on earth but, perhaps, there was for the universe almost 14 billion years ago, after the Big Bang gave birth to it.
  • But, there is evidence that 'God' created the earth for dinosaurs - from their successful occupation of the planet for many tens of millions of years. Unlike humans very brief track record and their malign effect for both themselves and all other life forms.
  • Therefore, why did 'God' create the world for humans AND, in his image, too?! Does that not reflect very badly on 'God'? What on earth was 'God' doing creating humans? He was either mad, bad or made a genuine mistake! None of these options are consistent with 'God' and the nature that the theists say he has.
Colin's thought:
If God is all knowing, why would he embark upon a pointless
experiment to test our faith ? After all, he is GOD and would therefore
already know who would fail and who would pass the tests and temptations He
places in our paths. The idea of free will seems equally odd for God would
already know our fate. He would also be aware of the misery and pain we
would inflict upon our fellow, innocent creatures and our planet. This
God, or at least as I understand the whole set up, seems a bit of a sadist.
(I say this whilst checking behind me just in case there is a bolt of
lightening on its way). Colin Port

Myself: Is not a temptation - for example a lustful thought - a sin in itself, quite apart from the act of lust itself? In addition, isn't lust an essential element of human nature to ensure the continuation of the species? The Lord's Prayer, "lead us not into temptation" is well meaning but unrealistic and is asking God to censor our thoughts that is quite impossible ever to happen.

The theists say that God has given us free will, so we are not robots. We are free to disobey him and free to obey him. His omniscience should have told him that there would be the Fall in the Garden of Eden and more disobedience, as you write, and very much more disobedience. So why create the suicidal and ecocidal maniacs that are humans? It just does not add up; no, not one little bit!

However, the scientific, open, objective mind set should properly lead us to agnosticism until there is cast iron proof that it was man who created God. The believers get out of that by saying that it was God who put the thought of himself in their heads and who allowed them to work out his nature. So you can't win!

The Bible says, God created the world, not the solar system, not the
galaxy, not the universe! The Bible view, I believe I'm right in saying,
is of a flat world, with the stars in the heavens as the roof or ceiling
for the world and hell or hades is in the basement. It was the RCs who
tortured Galileo for saying it was nothing like that, I understand! (But I
must check my facts, sometime.)

Hello Tim,

Just one final thought. Atheists are, no doubt, overjoyed by Stephen
Hawking's pronouncement that God's presence was not essential for the
universe to form as this was just a coincidental collision of gases and
elements. The Believers would argue however, that it was God who put the
gases and elements there in the first place. And if that doesn't silence
the doubters, the Believers can always revert to their usual response
"because it says so in the Bible".

On a lighter note, it is said that we are all products of the "Big Bang".
The question is, does that mean we are formed of stardust........ or
nuclear waste?

Colin 7 September 2010

Thanks for this amusing piece.

And, at what point did God create the world and everything in it - at the
Big Bang or when the planet emerged or when life of some kind was first
seen or when the first section of the Bible was written or when the Church
of England was created by King Henry 8th who gave himself the divine right
to rule? The earth and everything on it is constantly and very slowly

The words that the Christians use for Jesus Christ are also anachronistic
eg King (I'm a republican); Lord (part of the aristocracy); Master (better
to be a servant, according to Jesus). In our history, kings and lords were shockingly brutal
and murderous and rarely exemplary role models.


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