Saturday 26 December 2015

How dare you say we are hypocrites!

Thoughts on the Syrian bombing debate in the Commons

Why are democratic countries so insistent that they must oust some countries' governments undemocratically- by military force?

Bombing Syria to get rid of IS is so convenient to help get rid of the Syrian government at the same time.  Kill two birds with one stone and never mind the innocent civilians injured and killed, who just want to be left in peace and quiet and with their bodies and minds intact.

We must do something about this evil lot of fascists by our right wing, meddling and 'we know best for you' governments when it comes to the Meddle East.  Our side has also been fascists and evil in the past (twice in the last century) - and the other side would say we are not any better in our wars against them, now.

We are all evil, all warriors, all lovers of conflict.  So why do we call a few thousand Muslims in Syria/Iraq an evil, fascist, scum, a death cult?

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