Thursday 31 October 2019

On leaving the EU

Over leaving the EU, I do feel that such a monumental decision should not have been so rushed and simplified, as I felt it was.  I was blissfully ignorant of the dangers for Northern Ireland and the impact on the Peace Agreement in leaving N Ireland distanced from the Republic of Ireland (nationalist disquiet) and treated differently from the other three countries (unionist disquiet).  The real debate and the full information, like the threat of more troubles breaking out from militant nationalists and militant unionists, did not materialise until after the referendum, I thought.

I abstained (mine, a protest vote) on the 23 June 2016 because I was so upset about the refusal of my MEPs to take seriously and to engage with me over the hundreds of millions of pounds going into our tram extensions when other transport priorities were very much more important and helpful in reducing congestion, pollution and greenhouse gases.  I only got to see one MEP when my wife and I went, with UKIP, over to Strasbourg in either 2014 or 2015.  MEPs never have surgeries in the UK!  My wife is a strong leave voter.  UKIP were brilliant in organising it all.  I can't remember the name of the excellent woman who did it all.

UKIP in Kidderminster and Wellington have also been the best political party in giving me time to explain the problems of Metro blocking/stopping the 120 Kms Black Country Mainline Railway from ever being finished.  However, they still did nothing, as far as I am aware of!  And Bill Etheridge refused to even reply to any e-mail or text.

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