Thursday, 6 February 2025

Dear Fran and XR advisor Jonathon Porritt

Thanks for your reply that means I don't need to come to the general meeting tomorrow but, certainly, in future.  However, I am still very concerned that XR is failing to argue with the decision makers that it is urgent to take Climate Compliant Actions.

For years, it seems that I have been the only environmentalist who has positively engaged with the decision makers at my own Dudley Council and at the WMCA.  I have got nowhere, I know but, for me it is the only way to get action on their self-declared Climate Emergency.  I am pleading that the active citizens and environmentalists of XR to join me in writing and speaking to the senior directors and council leaders via Customer Services (emails above).

Bob Whitehead and his eleven Action Points from the W Mids Climate Coalition is showing what can be done.
FoE has written their action plan:XR is the leading organisation for raising the profile of the Climate Catastrophe that is unfolding around the world.
XR Brum must now, please, join me in engaging with the WMCA Top People to work towards:

  • STOP further work on Metro and Sprint expansion.
  • STOP further work on spending tens of millions for totally unnecessary bus franchising.  Stick with using the money saved to do very many more rewards for car commuters leaving their cars at home by using FREE bus fares.  Mayor Richard Parker started at Christmas with his evening free bus initiative.  He must be encouraged to do very much more with the money saved from stopping what I'm suggesting, above.
  • STOP the destruction of former railway lines in both urban and rural locations.  Re-open them for uses from trains to cycling/walking/horse riders.  Not for buildings of all kinds!
  • START spending on moving every low income household out of gas and updating their homes to be highly insulated, energy efficient and using solar/batteries in their homes.  My wife and I have converted our home from gas central heating to battery/solar, local heating with infrared space heating and with instant electric hot water heaters, with no hot water storage.
  • Many tower cranes in Brum centre reflect construction from demolished buildings = WASTE of resources and unnecessary GHG emissions.
  • START building smaller, highly insulated, 100% electric, solar powered/battery homes with passive solar built in.
  • START strictly enforcing every speed limit to save oil, rather than stopping oil.
  • MOVE AWAY - with rewards and penalties - from very wasteful car commuting to free up road space for essential vehicle users.
Does any of this get any support from anyone?  PLEASE REPLY!!

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