Friday, 14 November 2014

One illegal and warmongering behaviour leads to yet more of the same

Jews and Arabs have lived together for thousands of years with, it seems, very many more years of peace than war.  For much of that time, Jews have lived outside the Holy Land, after their initial conquest of Canaan, when Yahweh gave them the Promised Land and, then exile to Babylon.

Perhaps, the greatest explosion of mutual killing between Jews and Muslims has taken place since 1948 with the founding of the State of Israel.  That might never have taken place if it had not been for the 1939-45 war that brought the holocaust caused by the West.  Germany was directly responsible but the other Christian Western nations knew what was going on, almost from the outset, in Germany from 1933.

It seems that the State of Israel came about for three reasons:
  1. The 'Christian' Western nations responsible for the 39-45 war and the persecution of the Jews, wanted to salve their conscience and to do something in restitution.
  2. Jews were fleeing persecution in war torn Europe to the land that they had first conquered and occupied 2,500 years, or more, ago.
  3. Because of the terrorism by the Jewish terrorist gangs, the West with the UN, designated a homeland for the Jews in the British Mandate of Palestine.  Now known as the State of Israel.
That 39-45 war might never have taken place if only the British Empire had kept aloof from the 1914 war on the mainland of Europe.  British entry on 4 August 1914 when we were ill equipped, was grossly premature and unnecessary when Britain was never in danger of being invaded between 1914 and 1918.

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