Saturday 28 November 2020

Rights of Way Bank!

I do think that our councils need to use their Transport/Highways budgets for important highway structures, like footbridges.  And, to turn to private funders and landowners like me.  There are very many, very wealthy people in the Tory shire counties who should be approached to help with funding.  My reasons:

  1. The mainly Tory governments since Thatcher want to withdraw from funding anything that is on the periphery of their concerns.  Their top issues are the arms trade, armaments expenditure/war and private education.  They have been forced to give the NHS much higher importance this year.
  2. The climate/ecological crisis is also forcing them to give that issue more importance, too.
  3. That means more funding for fossil-fuel free transport - cycling and walking.
  4. Their Active Travel Fund is only for roads and not other PROW for walkers, cyclists and horse riders, I've been told.  That must change.
  5. We must encourage officers and councillors to think more expansively and do some lateral thinking!
  6. Therefore, to approach voluntary funding from people who are prepared to spend their spare wealth to help with walking/cycling improvements outside urban areas that are most attractive for cycling and walking.
  7. We have Food Banks.  We now need Rights of Way Banks!
  8. As fossil fuel shortages become increasingly apparent during the course of the century, we are going to have to turn to horse riding, I would have thought!
  9. Bridleways and footpaths, with their bridges, are going to become more popular and essential, I can foresee.
  10. The UK remains a top ten nation out of nearly 200.  In the top ten wealthiest.  There is no excuse.  It's all down to more sensible and wiser priorities by officers and elected members.

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