Saturday 28 November 2020

The Wild Wicked White West ....

 ... is up to its normal behaviour of murder, killing and assassination of people in Arab/Muslim/Middle East.  Under Trump, yesterday's assassination of Iran's nuclear weapons chief follows the Israel/USA dispatch of Iran's top military man in Iraq, at least shows that their killings of us lot has slowed to single figures of people of colour (ie, every colour other than Caucasian whites).  I suppose this must be regarded as an advance instead of many hundreds of thousands of my fellow humans in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, the West Bank ... since Israel's assassination of its very own Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin in November 1995. Is this kind of hatred by Jews for their own, the ultimate antisemitism?

Such is Israel's, along with US/UK, love of murder/killing/war that they even kill their own Prime Ministers and former Generals who negotiate peace to end decades of warfare between the Muslims and the Jews/Christians.  Extraordinary immorality and hypocrisy and illegality!

Centuries of European/New World warfare by the Christian nations and between themselves has continued in this new millennia.  Despite the Judeo-Christian Scriptures telling them, "Thou shalt NOT kill".  This has now been watered down to "Do no murder" and, if the state tells us to murder the evil empire of Communists and Jihadists that is highly moral, legal and absolutely fine and dandy.

Hence, in this century, we see the revenge of the Jihadists with terrorism brought to the streets of England with slaughter even of children and teenagers at the Manchester Arena.  But the white, supposedly so upright Judeo-Christian nations started it.

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