Monday 7 June 2021

The disparity chasm between Jewish and Arab Israelis

The attempted ethnic cleansing of the mainly Palestinian area of Sheikh Jarrah in Eastern Jerusalem and the violent invasion of the Al-Aqsa Mosque has stimulated an enormous resistance of the Israeli Arab population and Palestinians in the Gaza and the West Bank. This has in turn triggered international resistance in support for the Palestinians from across the world in mass demonstrations and grassroots political mobilisations. These mobilisations have begun to change part of the reporting in the establishment media, BBC, ITV and Sky News. There is now some reporting of the deep racist inequality in Israel.

Arabs are not allowed to live in most towns in Israel (backed by Israeli law, just as the white areas under South African Apartheid was similarly enforced by law), the funding of primary schools in Jewish areas is often three times that in Arab areas, Palestinian children are subject to military law and can be interrogated in the absence of their parents, Jewish children are subject to only civil law etc. 

This systematic bias of the British press against the Palestinian cause can be illustrated by the low key coverage of the brutal invasion of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. What would their response be if the Iranian army invaded one of the Synagogues in Tehran?

from 7 June 2021 Stop the War Coalition email - Stuart Richardson?

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