Friday 1 April 2022

Nuclear fusion is here today!

Paul, No one sensible is saying about finite fossil fuels, "We get rid of them at our peril!"  I am saying that they are finite and, as we burn them all up in a blink of the geological eye, we are then in peril.

It also seems very likely that as we continue with our rapid destruction of what took >300 m years to form, we may be changing the chemical composition of the atmosphere to make, possibly, earth to eventually become like venus, our sister or twin planet with its runaway greenhouse effect.  Read Wikipedia on venus and on Eunice Foote and John Tyndall!

We are also taking resources for our own thoughtless, wealthy, high-consumption lifestyles to deprive future generations of those resources.  Our behaviour amounts to one of live it up to day and to hell with tomorrow.  Of living in a fool's paradise that is selfish and dangerous.  What we take today, we don't have tomorrow.

Thanks to nuclear fusion solar electricity, my wife and I, since the 7 March when we converted from, mostly Russian/American gas heating to local room heating, we are using only 1 kWh/day of electricity imported from the grid (more in December, January) and < 2 units of gas per day.  All this from a 6.24 kWp solar PV east/west array we had fitted in 2013.  We are not far off being off-grid and I don't use gas at all for washing, preferring to boil up a kettle as my protest directed at despicable Putin!

How's that for more sustainable living, Paul?  It's called living within our means, limits, boundaries, and what we can generate from daylight.  Good Thatcherism!  Can you do better than me, my friend?

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