Friday 14 October 2022

We must, please practise democracy ourselves - on 8 Nov!

Jules, Richard, Chris, Bob

We must please practise democracy ourselves - on 8 Nov!
Our meeting is 8 Nov; their forum on transport is 21 Nov.  Therefore, as the first item on the 8th can we please have a discussion and vote on whether what I am proposing is acceptable to you four key players and, to the others who attend on the 8th?

TfWM/WMCA must be lambasted for lack of democracy over Feb 2020, £15 billion Metro extensions without discussion, debate, vote.  NOT ONCE SINCE 1981 when the Metro development started!!

I am proposing for the officers on the 21st to respond to this:

1.   The immediate scrapping of High Scam 2 (not in their remit, I know but we were successful in scrapping the eastern arm), Metro extensions and Sprint extensions.  Tens of billions of pounds are being spent to 2040 on 150 miles of Metro expansion, alone!

2.   POSITIVE: The carrot of Fare-Free Public Transport extended from my old crocks age group to everyone else.

3.   HELPFUL: The stick of the Clean Air Zone made stricter; as well as road pricing to penalise the car commuters who don't need their motors for their job but who thoughtlessly clog up the road space for essential business users.

4.   CONSTRUCTIVE: My two year Hagley Road experiment, as here:

These basic, vital proposals are in the light of multiple crises: climate, energy, cost of living, inflation, resource shortages, population, spending way beyond what the planet can possibly deliver.  My proposals/suggestions are for pure humanitarian reasons - above all else!

The completion of the well over half a billion pounds (and similar weight in ruinous GHG emissions!), WBHE (the tragic, immoral Dudley Tram) is being fast tracked by the new foolish Truss government, would you believe!  I want it stopped at Level Street to save, at Merry Hill, housing land, public open space canal embankment, a nature site that includes my guerrilla garden and, trees, shrubs.
Tim Weller

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