Dear Tony
Saturday, 8 March 2025
The Sixsmiths: 'Putin and the Return of History'
Friday, 7 March 2025
Ukraine/Russia gets our Western treatment ...
... exemplified by interference and hypocrisy, according to the Sixsmiths.
WW1 + WW2 = World War is mistaken
Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Someone actually on my side!
This is the 3rd letter I have sent to Mayor and Transport for WM over the last six months:-
All Around the Wrekin!
Commuter trains from Snow Hill could reverse out of Stourbridge Jct up to Round Oak; then change onto the tram to Wednesbury; get the bus to Walsall railway station. From there, cycle hire on the cycle-walkway on the railway built for intercity trains to Lichfield! Change for trains to Derby and all points north via Nuneaton would you believe. What a long winded, wasteful way to do it when, for 100 years that journey was done by regional/national TRAINS - the whole way from London!!
200 years ago we were turning tramways into railways.
Now, it's forward to the past - railways turned into tramways.
What colossal - not idiocy - PROGRESS, ever onwards and upwards!
Discounted ticketing scheme for bus travel
Transport for West Midlands Is encouraging businesses to apply for the latest discounted ticketing scheme for bus travel.
TfWM is working with local bus operators to get people back on to the network. The Government funded initiative provides free or discounted travel for a set period of time and is open to those who do not use public transport regularly or who are currently driving to their place of work.
By signing up for this support you will be offering your staff an additional choice of how to travel to work and you will also be helping to cut your Scope three carbon emissions.
Richard Parker's Bartley Green Lab Party meeting
It was brilliant to hear Richard speak last night. He understands the scandal of project mismanagement with the years of delay, of mistakes, of work having to be redone, of unfortunate choices being made and of massive overspent budgets causing even more problems. He told us that he is chivvying them along to better performance.
Richard also said he is wanting economic growth. For myself, economic growth can only come with ecological growth to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Tuesday, 4 March 2025
We have to argue our case, NOW - not wait for more elections, representatives and more layers of more local democracy!
Richard, There is NO interest, from even your good self, over engaging with the publicly elected people we do have who are meant to oversee what is going on in our local councils and the Combined Authority.
YOU, my friend must do what you say and engage, as I do with the people who are elected NOW!
And engage not just with them but with the officers, as I was once, who also have to change towards Climate Compliant policies that address the Climate Emergency effectively - NOT the billions for Metro extensions to rush us to Climate Chaos!
If you cannot even help me oppose the billions in both price and weight of GHG emissions going into Metro expansion THERE IS NO HOPE! Tim
Monday, 3 March 2025
Our side stopped humanitarian aid to Gaza and suspended military aid to Ukraine
Hasbury Community Church featured social justice and sharing on Sunday 2 March. BRILLIANT LEADERSHIP - now, do thou likewise!
Dear Alex
Sharing friendship with Russia and Ukraine, NOT military equipment
I am not at all happy at my/our country being behind the times when it comes to more civilised values and doing good around the world rather than doing and supporting warfare, control, coercion and domination.
Last week, overseas humanitarian aid was slashed, again, this time to 0.3% to boost spending on warfare to 2.5% from 2027 and 3% after the next General Election. It should be the other way round!
I am delighted that it has taken Donald Trump to whip the West, that the Ramblers call the Global White Minority, into trying to end the killings in our proxy war with Russia.
It reminds me of our tragic and warmongering ways throughout the last century:
It started with the South African War, World War in two halves, war in much of SE Asia with the USA doing the bulk of the heavy lifting with not a murmur of protest from the UK at the decades of millions slaughtered in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos - and other countries. We expanded our mighty military alliance to counter the USSR. Our nice NATO, far from disbanding when the Warsaw Pact did, simply took over some of their former members! To such an extent that, of course, Russia was not best pleased. We added insult to injury with our nukes and military exercises in former Warsaw Pact countries!
Nothing quite like provocation to stir things up so nicely!
Putin changed his mind over becoming part of the American-led West Global Minority. His offer to help after 9/11 was not taken up. Our triumphalism at Russia ending the Cold War, not us was entirely misplaced, very wrong and simply fueled Russian nationalism. The foolish West failed to keep Putin on board, we lost his friendship, failed to concede a single request that might well have improved relations.
Now, NATO is bigger and more powerful than ever.
Precious resources of oil, gas and other mineral wealth is less - all in the name of economic/military growth. How stupid!
No empathy from the Wicked Witch of the West. Only ultra-right wing nationalist Benjamin Netanyahu who is the epitomy of being devoid of empathy. Our great friend and ally believes in nothing but coercion, force, whipping, warfare and the extermination of Hamas and all the other named enemies that Israel has also failed to wipe off the face of the earth in 77 years of massacres, horrors and intimidation to drive the Palestinians from their land. Watch 'The Birth of Israel', the 2008 film by Jeremy Bowen - on iPlayer.
The British Mandate/Control over Palestine from 1917 to 1948 was a catastrophe. We showed partiality to the Jews/Zionists and failed to honour our pledges to the Arabs - even to our very own Lawrence of Arabia who was crucial in our Mightiest Empire vanquishing the Ottoman Empire and giving us yet more land to rule over!
The biggest and strongest Empire the world has ever seen was driven out of Palestine by three Jewish/Zionist terrorist gangs, the Stern Gang, Irgun and Haganah. Violence and aggression was rewarded with territory conquered being kept - war after war, decade after decade. Still, to this day, by our Big Bibi pal.
No social justice, no Climate justice, no peace. Instead, we know migration to Europe and America to finally know peace and some semblance of comfort and civilisation for the poor people who have been the suffering subjects of our control, domination and violence. For many centuries, too!
to Mark Grady
Saturday, 1 March 2025
From Patrick Harley re bus franchising
Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) representatives told the committee the cost of moving to franchising would be £22.5m but Cllr Harley was quick to dismiss their figures.
Cllr Harley said: “I am bitterly disappointed, Transport for West Midlands failed to mention future costs in the region of £80m which the seven local authorities would have to underwrite.”
Cllr Harley said the TfWM presentation failed to take account of possible falling income from decreasing passenger numbers which would leave councils having to fill financial black holes.