I am inclined to the view that one action often leads to another counter action or reaction. So Versailles in 1919 was as foolish and as short sighted as an assassination leading to Britain going to war, far too soon at least and, on the side of the assassin, of all people! My politicians are so hopeless, then as now, they can't even get that right! And, to cap it all, they slaughter men and women of non-violence like me in their many wars around the globe as they so self-righteously and hypocritically stand up for peace, justice and the International World Order, regardless of the wishes of the General Assembly of the UN! Always the iron first and never the velvet glove. Always a rush to killings and never diplomacy. Always thinking the worst of the other side, to lead to the paranoia of White Western Global Minority wars on Communists and other undesirables to get in quick before 'The Wicked Other' kills us!
I heard on the 'Today' programme, years ago, Ian Duncan Smith saying that WW1 led to WW2.
Do read the Sixsmiths' book, 'Putin and the Return of History'. Very fair and even handed with no side coming out at all well. And reading about the mess all sides get themselves into is as entertaining as my chronicling the embarrassing blunders in the city that I came to as a fresh-faced student in 1968 - and lived or worked in ever since!
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