Monday, 3 March 2025

to Mark Grady

Hi Mark
Thanks so much for your interest and help on that afternoon when you kindly looked at the potential for housing at High Plateau.  We met at the  National Brownfield Institute in Wolverhampton in December 2022

This is the Dudley Council plan of 2020 that shows High Plateau:

The Wednesbury to Brierley Hill Metro extension (WBHE) will be completed to Flood St via Dudley Transport Interchange (new bus station) by the end of the year but the section to Brierley Hill is Phase 2 and work began last month to take the trams to Merry Hill SC from Flood St.  Perhaps, £100 m for the 400 metre concrete and steel viaduct that lands on top of High Plateau above my guerrilla garden landscape enhancement scheme.  I am trying to save my 'garden' and High Plateau, so I do have ulterior motives!

Please would you be so good as to send me one screen shot that could prove to Paul Davis/Davies (and others) that the top one third of the site might well be contaminated from the Round Oak steel works and therefore brownfield.  I mistakenly told him, after first saying it was brownfield, that all of it must be farmed by Merry Hill Farm.  THANKS!

Or, could you ask the WMCA for funding for ground investigation with a view to building solar powered, low cost, highly energy efficient apartments for the most badly housed, including migrants?  This is always my top priority everywhere, to save nature.  The UK is one of the most nature depleted countries, I keep hearing on Radio 4 and LBC.

Or, do a FoI request for the conclusions of the ground investigation survey on the canal embankment on the north side of High Plateau (south of Level Street)?

Or would you meet me on site?  And the owner is all important, of course.

Four options.  I'm not expecting everything - just something, please!!

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