Friday 2 January 2015

Someone else wrote this but ...

.. I would put it like this:

Our religious beliefs can be part of the problem.  Violence is pretty universal for all.  Our faith beliefs control 

our behaviours.  We all want land for ourselves.  And it can be all too easy to say that God gave us the land to 

justify our occupation - the people of Israel taking over Canaan 3,500 years ago or, us lot taking over the land 

from the native American Indian inhabitants.  We brought them God, germs and guns.  Our ancestors thought 

that God was confirming the rightness of their occupation and takeover of what became the USA, by 

wiping out the earlier inhabitants, quite naturally from disease.  But it was disease from germs, unknowingly 

brought by the good Christians from England.

Terrorism can be state terrorism and by others.

Empire building by the traditional Christian nations, who should have known better, is at the root of the 

problem - the going and getting and controlling other groups and lands and their inhabitants . 

The Cold War was also worked out in the Middle East and made the problem worse.

Control and coercion; grab and brag; occupy and fortify.

Those who lose out from those with the power don't always appreciate it.  The battle between Jews and Arabs 

originated three and a half thousand years ago but 95% of the intervening years has seen inhabitants of the 

Holy Land live in peaceful co-existence with one another - until more and more Jews returned in the 20th 

century as they fled persecution from anti-Semitism by our ancestors in Christian majority Europe.

Sadat and Rabin set a good example of compromise to try and get a settlement.

"FINALLY, a much more fair documentary (by Peter and Dan Snow on the Yom Kippur War of 1973).

I am NOT anti-Jewish, nor am I PRO-Arab or PRO-terrorism of ANY KIND!!!

The truth needs to be understood AWAY from any and ALL religious, prejudiced and other biases that totally 

control the conversation on both sides of the situation!!!  The truth is that there were and are terrorists on both 

sides, initially the terrorists were mostly of the Jewish, population, quickly followed by the Palestinian 

population; now, BOTH.

The Jewish state is still a terrorist one; morally and factually, the declaration (and following codification by 

the UN and the US) does NOT allow the now-state-status to continue or began acts that are terrorist in nature.  

The Arab, Persian and others that comprise the opposite side are egregiously horrible as well!!!!!!!!

The problem is a result of Colonialism and imperialism of the West.  If PEACE is ever to be achieved, the true 

facts must be known and acknowledged on all sides.

The problems were made worse when the US and the Soviet Union literally saw each country in the Middle 

East as "Us" and "Them".. The problems that resulted from this application of East/West conflict, especially in 

the 1980's, made the problems much worse.

Most IMPORTANTLY…This conflict is NOT thousands of years old, it is very recent in terms of history. 

Anwar Sadat and Yitzhak (Isaac) Rabin are true HEROES in this conflict!!!"

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