Sunday 21 June 2020

The Virus Crisis shows what can be done for the Climate Crisis

I think, Simon is right to say 'Stop buying.' Except, when the authorities saw the looming virus coming ever nearer to the UK, they still did nothing to prepare. Not even buying PPE! Prepare for the Really Big Crisis now by spending on compulsory insulation; compulsory solar PV; carbon allowance/fuel rationing done on fair shares for all basis; one-child family planning encouraged; eastern Europe's Fare-Free Public Transport (and NOT only for me and my ilk) to compensate for greater risk from Covid; Universal Basic Income to ensure the wealthy help the less wealthy so that we are no longer dependant on spend, spend, spend economic growth. We cut economic activity to kill the virus - do it again for climate. WE HAVE THE ANSWERS!

Greta Thunberg has said that we can learn from the virus crisis: we are all taking the science seriously and the whole world is acting decisively. Do the same for the climate crisis.

And in killing nature with all our spending and yet more spending on big infrastructure projects like HS2, we end up killing ourselves because we are part of nature, too! You are both right.

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