Sunday 14 February 2021

Antisemitism from 2016

 29 April 2016 from John Davison:

If ‘the establishment’ were genuinely concerned about the awful treatment of European Jews, why was there not proper compensation at the time?  Seemed to be an endorsement of transferring people to another territory.

Now Gaza is excused.

SELF: How very true.  War crimes in 2014 were excused because it was our friend and ally who did them.  And our side has been the experts in such things in every single year since, at least, 4 August 1914 (centuries of empire building and ruling the waves by force before then).  Gaza was graciously ‘given’ to the Palestinians as their unofficial state in order, it seems, for the Israelis to take over more and more of the West Bank of Judea and Samaria with a little less troublesome conscience.

In 1948, the Jews were given Palestine and renamed it Israel.  Ever since, Jews from all over the world have been relocating there.  And still relocating to this day into more and more of everything except Gaza.

But it is anti-Semitism for one person to suggest, the very far-fetched, totally impractical and most outlandish notion that Israel should ever be relocated to the USA.  Do the Jews and Arabs of Israel (and the press, media and politicians of the UK) have no sense of humour?  What is the matter with them?

INCIDENTALLY: In Hebrew the meaning of the name Israel is: May God prevail. He struggles with God. God perseveres; contends. In the Bible when Jacob was in his nineties as a token of blessing God changed his name to Israel.  (source: the Great, good God Google)

This is not a hundred miles from the Arab word, ‘intifada’, meaning struggle or ‘to shake off’.      Tim Weller

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