Monday 16 May 2022

from Bob Whitehead

NATO should have dissolved a long time ago, agreed, but having said that, without donations of defensive arms to Ukraine, Putin's puppet government would probably be in control of Kiev by now (and it would be spelt Kiev), and there would have been Buchas and Mariupols all over the country. How can that be defended?

Tim Weller

2 May 2022, 11:13
Thanks, Bob.  It is very difficult to defend, I know.

It is always the antecedents that are the root of the problem - ABC (antecedents,
behaviour, consequences).  Like the most foolish and unnecessary war (1914-18)
in the ecocidal history of humanity was the antecedent for the 39-45 war that led 
to the Cold War that led to the deeply serious and tragic Russian versus Ukraine/USA/West 
war now.

China seems to be keeping out of it.  The UK should take the stance of Simon Jenkins,
Guardian columnist.  Instead, we go in with all guns blazing (Liz Truss last week).
UK RULES OK - the self-appointed policeman, jury, judge, hangman of the world!

In talks, everyone has to compromise, get a settlement and end the killings.

And the men and women of violence from all sides keep the killing going.
Plus my neighbour who builds the weapons!


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