Friday 13 May 2022

Left Unity to stand up and speak out!

My requested item is that we must stand up, speak out for the urgent matters we want:

Left Unity must hit the headlines and become as well known to certain officers and members as I am!  A political party writing to the VIPs/decision makers in power to get them to do what we want without having to get elected.  Yet, still standing in elections ourselves to make a mark and to show we mean business.  And then attending the election counts when we do put forward a candidate - and not like the Green Party in my borough of Dudley who never showed up last Thursday night!!  Real candidates and not paper/invisible candidates.

My councillors in Dudley borough are so apathetic/lazy they don't have surgeries.  Even when you phone or write, nothing happens (for me!).  That makes it all the more important to attend election counts to gently feel their collar and ask polite, pertinent questions.  By the time I had done that I was only too pleased that they had stopped all candidate speeches from the platform.  I had said enough to the individuals who would engage, praised the one councillor who shows some understanding of eco-socialism and what that actually means in practice, was exhausted and cycled home in the early hours of Friday morning!

At three of Dudley MBC committee meetings, there is a 'Public Forum' item on the agenda that I exploit fully but vary the subject matter or, simply bring them up to date on the latest tram calamity!

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