Sunday 9 May 2021

Disability and Transport


"Bob W-F and Sandra emphasised that we need to have a model of LU where we develop a practice that is carried out in common, that we develop the theory behind our practice, resolve upon specific actions and behaviour ...

"Bob W-F used the transport issue as an example of how we need to look at issues through the needs of people. We should draw up a questionnaire to reflect the needs of transport users."

I have been disabled during my life after illness and accidents and, now with old age, I am losing strength in my legs when both walking and cycling. I can only truly empathise with those less able-bodied when in that state myself - that I am moving to. Therefore, can we all write to the decision-makers over how travel can be made easier for those with disabilities that would also be of help to those who are not?

I would suggest, we insist that as buses, trains and trams are replaced the new ones must be fit for those with disabilities - kneeling buses and raised kerbs to allow horizontal, minimum gap-free movement from pavement/platform to the vehicle. Is that the right idea, Sandra and Bob W-F?

I think OAPs like me should be asking for the FFPT, that I've enjoyed for 13 years, to be extended to the youngsters and middle-aged, too. That must enable those on lower incomes and who are less able-bodied to get about, too. Would that help, do you think Sandra and Bob?

We then have to use our opportunities to get what we all agree is the very best. For me, the politicians seem to play second fiddle to the top officers, the full-time professional officers who advise them. The members, regardless of their party, do as they are advised by the officers. Therefore, it is the top officers who must be influenced. Some of their email addresses are here and others are publicly available via TfWM and WMCA contact forms:
I want a massive, the more the merrier, 'the pen is mightier than the sword', e-mailing and texting splurge directed at officers and members of our councils.  There is power in writing with persistent, patient, persuasion that never, ever gives up.  We or I can never get elected so it's all we/I have!

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