Monday 7 February 2022

Four Winds Energy

I would like to ask this question, please on the 23 Feb.  I did put it in the box just now to register but missed out "solar" that is all-important!  There is a community dividend, I think.  Is that the right phrase?

Please will you ensure that profit from our shares go to the poorest in the community to give them free SOLAR electricity?
"Even more immediate than the nature, climate, ecological, resource depletion emergency is how people on benefits are going to be overwhelmed by heating bills.  Yet, Metro Mayor Andy Street, the top officers and council leaders are still talking of billions of pounds going into immoral Metro to replace buses and trains.

"This is really urgent for us in the W Midlands that we go on the offensive to stop yet more immoral Metro lines and demand that the 2020 £15 billions to 2040 must go into helping to give more, to pay more to the poorest on benefits.  To super insulate their homes and to give them the best help and the most money to pay their energy bills.

"It is urgent that the billions for immoral Metro goes into giving the poorest in the land free electricity from the nuclear fusion of the sun.  Yet, no talk from Andy Street, B__ Johnson or anyone of the vital necessity that we get out of American LNG and Russian gas and use home-generated, free electricity instead."

Many thanks. Annette.

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