Wednesday 23 February 2022

From Brum Stop the War Coalition

We turned next to the dangerous Ukraine crisisStuart reiterating that StWC’s consistent position is to oppose foreign intervention - be it Russian, US-led NATO, or UK. We are firmly in favour of national self-determination for Ukraine that respects the rights of all its citizens; and we call for dialogue, diplomacy de-escalation and peace. Stuart added that Western talk of defending “Freedom and Democracy in Ukraine” was bogus in that the Ukraine Communist Party (which in the 1990s had significant parliamentary representation) is banned from standing in elections and an Eastern Ukraine separatist party was banned in 2008.

The origin of the conflict is in NATO expansion Eastwards underlining that NATO far from being a defensive alliance, is a militarily expansive and offensive project to extend and maintain global US hegemony.  Indeed, Politik commented that Ukraine had a pro-Russian government until it was brought down by the current western-backed administration.

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