Sunday 24 December 2023

Thoughts on the Palestine/Israel horror

It's all talk of wiping out Israel on one side, while Israel is no talk but all action in actually doing it to their neighbour - the constant downtrodden, oppressed and imprisoned Palestinians who never see any improvement in their dire conditions; only starvation, aching thirst,  and the constant fear of house, home and family wiped off the face of the earth by their Bad Samaritan neighbour. Palestinians could always start by showing how to be the Good Samaritan to Israelis before total extinction.

This is what life was like for years, if not for decades, in Gaza. We, in the American-led West are responsible for this scandalous state of affairs. Not just Israel. What is the matter with us lot? We are inhuman, especially our politicians and leaders. We killed 2 to 3 million in Vietnam in the 50s to 70s. Now 20,000 and rising since 7.10.23 in Gaza. It is truly obscene with famine on top of war. Israel is the unjust, greedy rich man in his castle; the Palestinians are the poor man at his gate. And a famous Jew told the story of the Good Samaritan against his own tribe, faith and leaders. He was soon eliminated at 33 years. Like Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jnr.

If you treat a whole nation like dirt, as violent criminals, as encaged dangerous animals, one day they are going to break out of that cage and run amok. As they did, in fact on 7.10.23.

'I Shall Not Hate' is a book that every so entitled, privileged, wealthy Westerner should read.
The disgraceful crying shame of it all, is that their neighbour has everything  - and, much, much more than enough. 

They have the powers, the position to turn things around but they continue in the ways of hate and oppression and refuse to try another approach. So greed and land grabbing continue apace. And their neighbour gets left with ghastly Gaza in a downward spiral.

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