Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Fight the Climate Emergency by ...

... by saving greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the medium to long term by spending on insulation and energy efficiency measures in the short term!

Dear Gentlemen - the three leaders and the Independent to reply, PLEASE.  Others are welcome to give their views, too.

Floor 3 at Halesowen Library, I think, can have a false ceiling with new lighting to shut off a large wasted space that is simply the top of floor 3 at the floor 4 level.  It would save the massive energy bill.  Am I right?  Can this be done?
Would the private sector, eg David Lloyd Sports Centres, be interested in taking over the three borough leisure centres?  Then use the money to properly insulate and solar power the remaining council properties to cut GHG emissions.

Can you sell off Halesowen Town Hall and make use of existing halls and rooms in, for example the Halesowen churches and hotels, etc?  Halesowen Community Church in Albert Road, Halesowen is a popular venue for many varied activities.
Use the money to retrofit, update your antiquated, inefficient heating in too many council owned properties - and to do SOLAR PV.

Use the billions you want for Metro and Sprint expansion to be used instead to fight the Climate Crisis in these ways:
You must lobby HMG to redirect funds from wasteful, nice but unnecessary projects and the staff now being employed into doing them, to vigorously fight the rise in GHG emissions.  Staff must be retrained for retrofitting/insulation/solar powering work.

Fight clogged, polluted roads by both rewarding and penalising car commuters who do not need cars for their jobs, so that the road network is freed up to benefit essential users like bus drivers and community nurses/tradesmen/lorry drivers.  Do/get:

Stick to the Excellent Enhanced Bus Partnership with bus operators and STOP franchising that is very expensive to only bring greater business risks for the councils that are not good at doing commercial ventures in the dog eat dog world of sharp capitalism.  Learn from the Brooks Bar and Bistro venture.  NO MORE SINKING MONEY INTO RISKY COMMERCIAL VENTURES.

Scrap Dudley Tram Phase 2 that is shockingly expensive and wasteful.  Reinstating the commuter trains and the 1990s monorail would be cheaper and, be more responsible, with fewer risks for Dudley town traders seeing more of their customers and profits going to Merry Hill.


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