Wednesday, 29 January 2025

to Cllr Leslie Kaye

Many thanks for your email and for engaging, Leslie.  Good to hear from you.

How about putting your humanity and human decency into action by helping the poor in Solihull instead of the highly expensive and unnecessary HS2, Metro and Sprint coming to Solihull, to worsen the Climate Catastrophe you have declared.  HS2, Metro and Sprint also duplicate/replace adequate, existing bus and train provision in the same corridor.  "To those who have, yet more will be given.  To those who have little, even the little they have will be taken away from them."  (Christ expressing how those in power operate)

“Why can't we humans live in justice and in peaceful co-existence?”  Because we want ever more of the good, rich things in life, regardless of the penalties - and regardless of Climate, ecosystem damage and The Other.

Because of human greed called economic growth, Leslie, that gives us ever greater riches from a diminishing capital resource base and a quest for power over others.  Like our Western ally and friend, Israel using its vast power to get and control yet more territory in the West Bank, Gaza and south Lebanon and, ultimately from "the River to Sea" as the Likud Charter puts it. Territory, rape, and plunder.  What our side has done over the last 15 months and in so many wars of aggression since 1945.  The Muslims were not responsible for the catastrophic World War in two halves.  Indeed the Arabs, under T E Lawrence, helped our British Empire to defeat the Ottoman Empire but, were then let down.

Humans are almost unique as one of a few species which will hunt its own kind for amusement.  Yes.  We Brits have been the worst at it for 500 years of Empire and obscene slavery slaughter born out of piracy under Elizabeth 1!  We fight wars because we enjoy doing so. The people riding the truck mounted guns in the middle-east are having the time of their lives because they have not been annihilated as Bibi promised us they would be.  We would have behaved in the same way at surviving death and injury over 15 months Churchill told us “there is nothing more exhilarating than being shot at without effect”.  Yes, but 'The Greatest Briton Who Ever Lived' (BBC TV, 2000 poll and series) wrongly hurried us into the developing mainland European War on 4 Aug 1914, when we would have been better abiding our time to see how things developed.  Churchill was the main protagonist for war in the July Cabinet and the weak HH Asquith was easily swayed and did not stand up to dear Winston.  (Read Robert Harris in 'Precipice')  By the 1950s, in old age (like me) Winston reformed.

You cannot change 3.9 billion years of evolution of life on Earth, only work to reduce the bad things. Peace comes from strength, not weakness, Peace comes through justice and in building a more equitable society of nations, as well as standing up courageously to the men and women of violence who kill men of non-violence like me as Trump will now demonstrate over the weakness and dithering of Biden.  Trump also wanted USA led NATO to get out of Afghanistan.  Biden did it and, badly.  Biden also wanted his May 2024 Peace Agreement implemented but friend Bibi was not ready to - until Trump came to power this month.  Therefore, both men had the same policies and intentions on two major foreign policy matters.

NOW, Leslie, STAND UP IN OPPOSING METRO AND SPRINT EXPANSION - and, please support me, Leslie.  You are a good man, of decency and honour.  You have the power and position as a councillor to do good.

Every good wish

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