Saturday, 11 January 2025

It is extremely serious ...

Dear Helen and Dan

Yet again, Helen told me this morning (Friday) that my concerns are not relevant to Governance - of how well or badly the CA is governed and, Dan is not the slightest interested, either.  In my opinion, it is purely political and most foolish that you and your colleagues are spending three times more per Km in building tram extensions in the W Midlands when compared with similar schemes around the world - a dataset of 46 in your consultant's report.

This is rather like our side dismissing concerns reported today (Friday), with our Gazan killings being much higher than the Hamas run Health Ministry has thought, as being "inflated for political purposes", as was reported on BBC News.

You both do not wish to be acquainted with uncomfortable, true facts because it is none of your business.  In effect, you are saying my concerns are political - rather like different political parties have different manifestos.  It is all subjective and a matter of opinion.  However, when the Emperor has no clothes... you have a duty to say something!

It is totally irresponsible and complete idiocy to rebuild a railway "of national strategic significance", according to Network Rail and the DfT and then to use it as a dog walkers' paradise of a cycle-walkway for 14 Kms, to use it as a 2 Kms VLR test track and to have the most expensive tramway of 10.7 Kms that the world has ever seen - even when most of it is built on an existing and, for 100 years, a principal mainline railway!  And this for over a billion pounds when finally finished!  Fully in line with your consultant's conclusions that is so astounding he is recommending a further study by an independent regulated body.

Sticking your fingers in your ears is the height of irresponsibility and is a political decision, as all decisions are - even the most petty.

Please end your political indifference and acquiescence in wrong-doing and say something.  Action is needed to end the totally unnecessary £15 BILLION, 150 miles tram extension programme which is deepening, not lessening, your own declared Climate Emergency and is an existential threat for all of us, as the eminent Oxford Professor of History, the author Margaret MacMillan said on Radio 4 'Sideways' on Monday 6 January. 

Your denial of the Climate Crisis is in line with the University of Brum that has their most prestigious coffee shop and conference centre at Centenary Square with wide open external and internal doors throughout opening times!!  The evidence is there that you are all Climate deniers, despite your hypocritical declaration in 2019.  A stunning absence of integrity from people who should know better.    

Have you seen the report from 

"Upon first inspection the costs of the Midland Metro projects are astronomical
but, in truth it is extremely difficult to provide completely accurate data for one
telling reason, the actual costs are kept very much under wrapseven to the point
where Freedom of Information requests are refused ... "

When you scratch the surface, data suggest that the Midland Metro extensions
represent some of the highest costs per kilometre ever seen, anywhere in the
World for tram schemes. As a sense of scale, the current average for infrastructure
costs per kilometre of light rail corridors or route, is under £30 million. Midland
Metro Alliance projects report an average of over £100 million per route kilometre
as shown in the results: -

Dataset Average Cost per
Route Km (£M)
Infrastructure Only Schemes 27.93
All Inclusive Schemes 84.91
Midland Metro Alliance 
Infrastructure Only Schemes 116.01

• Regardless of how the money has been spent, Midland Metro Alliance projects
should be comprehensively reviewed by an independent regulated body, to
understand exactly why these costs are reportedly three times the global average.

With best wishes for sensible action - URGENTLY.

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