Thursday 1 July 2021

Majority black nations (climate vulnerable countries) suffer the most from rich, majority white fossil fuel burning nations but where are the black people?

Majority black nations (climate-vulnerable countries) suffer the most from rich, majority white fossil fuel burning nations but, where are the black people rising up in righteous anger at their suffering?

A challenging, thought-provoking talk from Chine ... where were they (black and brown mothers and fathers ) at the 2018 'The Mothers Rise Up' march? BLM started in 2020 and then came the "big reckoning with racial justice around the world." That was when black people rose up, once again, in really large numbers to challenge white supremacy. But why do the media channels not highlight the work of the two black climate activists that Chine spoke up for? Yvonne McCarthy and Orson Peljay (it sounded like but I had never heard of them or seen their names in print).

Was there any white leader who stood shoulder to shoulder with MLK in the 1960s? Who was one white person who spoke up for racial justice and publicly agreed with MLK? Was there even one white person who was notable for his/her support and encouragement to MLK and the so honourable and magnificent movement at that time?

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