It's the control, domination, even occupation (CDO) of other countries by the Rich Global Minority White power bloc that I think drives the desperate to escape to the wealthy Global North. We've been unable to share our riches. Instead, these former imperialistic nations have indulged in fighting each other for centuries - all wanting more land and acting in their own interests to keep the upper hand over neighbours and rivals.
We Brits have been the worst at it - for Control, Domination, Occupation. The very best at being the worst at CDO for having the biggest Empire that the world has ever seen to rule the roost over the natives in our colonies.
Our newest recruit (from 1948) is ISRAEL. It is our proxy and big arms purchaser and big user of our weaponry. Every piece put to good use in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and now Syria. Unashamedly so, too!
Israel is now cashing in on Syria's calm after the Assad barbarity by continuing its own Dark Ages barbarism by grabbing more land, striking at all things military, exploding armament depots in a never-ending war of aggression under the guise of:-
"Well, we're only defending ourselves, aren't we? There's nothing wrong in that!"
Yet, in 76 years, this behaviour of treating every neighbour as an imminent threat and even as an actual enemy means it has never been at genuine peace with the Arab/Muslim nations on its doorstep. Israel is an enclave without a genuine friend apart from the US/UK/EU that supplies it with every mighty military prowess to maintain its status as the Middle Eastern super-power and the surrogate of the USA.
Israel is the antithesis of Switzerland. That little nation is non-aligned, neutral and is a threat to no-one. Israel is a little nation but is so very well aligned it sits firmly in the non-Arab world of Rich Dominating Western Christian nations, thousands of miles from its shores. Not a genuine friend in the world, apart from USA and Europe. It is a disliked cuckoo in the Arab Muslim world of the Middle East.
Surrounded by friends, Switzerland is a success. 'Israel Surrounded by mutual hostility' has never been a Good Samaritan to the Palestinians. 'Israel Surrounded by hate' has cultivated hatred because of its many victorious wars. It is a failed State and a disgrace to those of us, like me, who worship the Man for Others, the Homeless Man with nowhere to lay his head at night, the Man of Non-violence born in Bethlehem in the hatred-ravaged West Bank as Israel also takes that over, lock, stock and barrel. Always and every time with complete impunity - as it has done with Gaza, southern Lebanon and southern Syria - to extend its Empire.
I think both Israel and Gaza are tragic, failed States of Ungodliness. Israel is a rich, 'advanced', modern and a most materialistic nation with, on its doorstep, the hell hole that is Gaza brought about by Israel/US/UK/EU. Both, an abomination in the eyes of my God. Israel and Gaza remind me of the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus in the Gospels.
And who is who in the story of the Good Samaritan? My pastor, Les Hardwick once, privately and correctly, called Israel the ... BLANK ... you can guess!
The most important explanation of climate change ⬇️
This video from Johan Rockström and the World Economic Forum,
powerfully illustrates the interconnectedness of Earth.
And the power & fragility of our planet.
It impacts the world economy.
It impacts all of us.
The truth is 1.5°C is a physical limit,
not a political target.
It doesn’t matter whether you vote or not.
Or which party you voted for.
Because the tipping points described by Johan Rockström impact all of us
and are speeding up.
This is beyond a climate crisis.
We are facing something deeper.
Failure of ecosystems.
Mass extinction.
Air pollution.
This is a planetary crisis.
Here are 3 big actions each of us can do:
📣 Make your voice count = Talk to others
🕰️ Make your time count = pick a positive impact career
💸 Make your money count = pick a bank and pension restoring the Earth
Every action counts.
Thank you Elena Doms for bringing this to my attention.
Thank you, Maya Rebermark, Zoe Tcholak-Antitch, Joyeeta Gupta, Open Planet, the Earth Commission and Global Commons Alliance. As well as Johan Rockström and the World Economic Forum for creating this eye-opening video.
It’s both terrifying and absolutely necessary for everyone to see.