Thursday 1 August 2024

QUIZ on transport, climate, farming, housing and the wealthy doing their bit!

1)  When they have built a railway line, should the top councillors and snr officers:

A  Put trams on it?

B  Use part as a cycle-walkway, Very Light Rail test track, Light Rail tram and fresh air?

C  Railway trains?

2)  What actually has and is taking place on the Black Country Railway "of national strategic significance" between London and Edinburgh?

3)  In 2016, the Top Decision Makers changed their mind over the Camp Hill line, aka Kings Norton, Kings Heath, Moseley railway between Bristol and Brum.  What was that decision?

A  Have a half-hour commuter diesel service?

B  Turn it into a tramway?

C  Relieve road congestion and turn it into a road?

4)  When public funds are limited, do you:

A  Do you build the biggest, brand new, swish Birmingham University Station with its own office block?

B  Leave off the office block and do the 3 x longer platform?

C  Build something to take passengers in at the existing entrance and out at the other end of the longer platform?

5)  For years, global average surface temperatures were meant to rise to no more than

A  1Celsius

B 2C

C  1.5C

6)  What went wrong?

A  We got too grand and greedy?

B  We burnt up too many fossil fuels?

C  Greenhouse gas emissions are the problem?

7)  What does COP stand for when it comes to climate?

A  Climate Over Peak?

B  Conference of the Parties?

C  Conference of the Planet?

8)  Should farming be left to:

A  farmers who love modern farming methods and always know best?

B  doing more farming in tune with nature?

C  do high-intensity, fossil fuel agriculture for maximum yields?

9)  For homes to house a growing population, do we have:

A  Higher density, smaller gardens, less gracious, spacious living?

B  Complete new towns/villages on less valuable farming land?

C  Build in passive and active solar power, with battery storage, to provide electricity directly to the home, with less grid dependency?

10)  Should the wealthy elderly be prepared to

A  Pay more income tax to give direct help to the least well-off?

B  Allow and want all younger age groups to also enjoy Fare-Free Public Transport?

C Keep their money but be encouraged to insulate and solar power their homes at their own expense?

TIM WELLER     0791 380 4363

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