Monday 5 August 2024

Report on 2nd Annual Cycle, Walk, Ride the Mudway

Dear friends at RHH and in my Dudley Health contacts group.  This is a vital health matter.

On Saturday, a former Dudley councillor and I cycled the 20 Kms (and much more in a superb circle!) and found the whole section in South Staffordshire and Wolverhampton is FREE of mud and puddles!  WELL DONE  to those two councils.

Even dud Dudley Council made a small effort where a short section looked as though it had been mown to make the path less narrow.

PLEASE could we all email, as I am doing with this email, if they could ask their Dudley Council workers to cut back much more and put stone in the mud and puddles, as a temporary measure, until the full length is properly and professionally finished - as is found in Scotland with every one of their cycle-walkways I have seen.

This urban-rural-urban Mudway is the UK's top cycle-walkway for business, commuter and leisure route that complies with Parliament's Climate Change Committee's recommendations, once upgraded for business, commuter and leisure use.

I will meet any walker or cyclist at 1000 hrs on Saturday, 10 Aug who wishes to see the Dudley route in its two important nature reserves that the mudway goes through.  Five days for dud Dudley to get its act together.  PLEASE, DUDLEY MBC (MBC = Mighty Borough in fighting Climate)

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