Sunday 1 September 2024

On 8 March 2024 to Patrick Harley

Dear Patrick and colleagues

After 43 years of officers and members all intent on bringing extremely expensive, climate worsening, Metro trams to Dudley town centre and to Merry Hill Shopping Centre, you have got the tram to the historic capital of the Black Country.  WELL DONE.  Now, do not take it to Merry Hill.

All you have to do is to instruct Kevin O'Keefe and persuade your fellow leaders at the WMCA, of this:-

Dudley's Metro tram either terminates at Flood Street or stays on the former mainline railway line to connect with the national railway network at Stourbridge Jct and does NOT come off the railway at Canal Street, Hart's Hill to go into Merry Hill to boost that shopping centre at the expense of Dudley businesses.  They must thrive and prosper and not Merry Hill that has free car parking and you now want to give them a grossly extravagant, prestigious, climate accelerating tram - FOR FREE!!

Support Dudley Traders who don't want the Dudley Tram taking their customers off to Merry Hill!

Best wishes

Thanks for the email Tim,

However as you are well aware this is an argument you lost a long time ago.

No one even in the rail industry is on the same side of your argument.

Metro will continue to Brierley Hill and will regenerate both Dudley and Brierley Hill.


Dear James (James Morris, my MP from 2010 to 2024)

Did Conservative Central Office write that reply of 'yours', my friend?  How about directly taking on board my points and attempting a point by point rebuttal - please?

Could Central Office answer these questions please:
  1. After five months of intensive and, supposedly, competent warfare on Gaza, has the IDF finally stopped all the Hamas rockets and killed every Hamas fighter?
  2. Therefore, has Hamas's military wing been eliminated and the IDF can now finally claim victory and immediately stop the bombardment of Gaza and the further killings?
  3. If not, how does Hamas in Gaza continue to acquire armaments and ammunition to still kill Israelis?
  4. From Egypt via the tunnels into Gaza?
  5. Strict occupation, control and tight restrictions bring starvation and famine for many Gazans.  There is a pittance of aid coming in but still plenty of Hamas armaments and ammunition.  Is that right?
  6. 30,000 death toll of Palestinians.  What is it for Israelis - please?  417 West Bank Palestinians; 15 Israeli settlers, all killed since 7.10.23 said Fergal Keane on 8 March on Radio 4 
  7. When will the IDF (Incompetent Defence Force) go into the tunnels to bring out the hostages?
  8. Did the Incompetent Defence Force, themselves, shoot dead three hostages who were surrendering, stripped to the waist and with their hands up? 
  9. After 76 years of intermittent wars, how is it that Israel, the most powerful and nuclear weapons equipped country in the Middle East, still, has not won the war on Palestine by stopping Palestinian attacks on them?
  10. How many more decades will it take for Israel to defeat the Palestinians and bring peace and quiet to all Israelis - Arab and Jewish?
  11. Was it the Arabs who occupied the land of Israel from the fall of Jerusalem in 70 CE to 1948 CE?
  12. Does that make it over 1800 years in Arab hands (or, certainly not Jewish hands)?
This is what my Dudley Council Leader, Patrick Harley, wrote in reply:-

Thanks for the email Tim,  Many thanks for yours - I think, the FIRST!

However as you are well aware this is an argument you lost a long time ago.  You have never before heard my sensible argument that you do NOT gift the £650 m (2022 figure), 10.7 Kms, Metro tram on your mainline railway
to Merry Hill Shopping Centre that already has free car parking and the tram will take Dudley town shoppers off to Merry Hill by tram - much more fun and exciting than a boring bus!

No one even in the rail industry is on the same side of your argument.  The rail industry loves trams on their railway lines more than commuter and regional trains.  Throughout your political life, Pat you have fully supported the idiocy and enormous expense of turning the mainline railway between Snow Hill station and Wolverhampton into a tramway.

Metro will continue to Brierley Hill and will regenerate both Dudley and Brierley Hill.  I have no doubt you will get your foolish way.  However, you will go down in history as the well meaning but, sincerely mistaken politician who turned an even more important mainline railway into a piddling little shuttle tramway that is not even connected to the national railway network.  Even when you have finished, the Dudley Mainline Railway will remain isolated and wasted at either end of the tramway on the railway!

Regards  Best wishes   Tim

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