Saturday 14 September 2024

Russells Hall Hospital pleas

Thanks, Ninette for the chat on Friday.

To summarise and as a reminder of my pleas!
  • Please ask if one or two Sheffield stands could go where there is room between the hospital building and the low wooden fence I use at the moment to lock my bike to.  E side of the main entrance.  The maternity entrance has them and I have used.
  • Please support and encourage the present cyclists to continue to do so.
  • Is there any cycling allowance for staff using bikes on official Trust business?
  • Please gossip to colleagues the importance of public transport and cycling in fighting the obesity epidemic and for the prevention of so many diseases that clog up the NHS.
  • I cannot remember what you said about how you get into work from Pedmore or, do you work from home mostly, as I expect is the case?
  • Please do what you can to talk up the importance of the 20 Kms Black Country Active Travel Route that runs so near to RHH but is unused by staff, visitors and patients (except ME!)
  • Very important because it is so long, connects three major population centres, is already well used in South Staffordshire and Wolverhampton and must be the UK's only urban-rural-urban active travel route.
  • It is important for commuting, business and leisure purposes.
  • But it needs upgrading and modernising.
  • Please join me in talking to Action Heart (Ann Welsh is so helpful and excellent, copied in here) at RHH about having a healthy heart through using the car less and active travel more.  And, her people/patients using the Black Country Active Travel Route!
  • You are welcome to join Chris Barnett and me for our Third Annual Walk Ride Cycle the Black Country Route on Sat 2nd or Sat 9th August 2025.
Very best wishes for your very important work, Ninette.  Remember, that I was cycling into work and, for work, for over 90% of the occasions since the mid 1990s to retirement in 2013.  And I'm still at it in my 77th year!

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