Sunday, 23 February 2025

Semitism actually means violence, death and destruction

particularly liked:

"Beinart rightly concludes that Antisemitism isn't wrong because it is wrong to denigrate and dehumanise Jews but because it is wrong to denigrate and dehumanise anyone: which means, ultimately, that any effort to fight Antisemitism that contributes to the denigration of Palestinians isn't a fight against Antisemitism at all."

I am an antisemite because I denigrate and oppose the violence, death and destruction from all sides, of all races and people, whoever does it.  

Jews/Zionists/Israelis have such a powerful word to deploy.  It wards off criticism, silences critics and helps them to maintain a great advantage.  From centuries of persecution by Western Christendom, culminating in OUR slaughter of 6 million Jews, it is as though that has catapulted them from despicable victim into equally despicable perpetrator of the most equally disgusting horrors of wanting to exterminate fellow human beings, just as they themselves were in the 1930s and 40s in Germany and Poland.

Since 1945 the Jews went from passive sheep to the slaughter to the most active, terrible terrorists that succeeded in throwing out of Palestine the Victors of 1945 that then was still the biggest and most powerful Empire the world has ever seen!

They quickly went from being hounded out of life itself to hounding out most of the Palestinians from the land of Palestine that had been their Jewish land, along with the Palestinians and other Arab tribes for the last 3,500 years.  As ever, for millennia, coercion, force, violence, warfare has both settled and not settled the matter for the last 77 years.  It has not stopped the slaughter or given any final settlement, with permanent peace, at all!

I'm an antisemite because I am horrified by the terrorism, violence and death brought by the semites of Israel and, mostly funded by the USA and Germany.  Today, 22 February, Israel on our side has failed to release the 600 Palestinian prisoners and the IDF has sent tanks into the West Bank for the first time in 20 years.  Our side is all about killing, grabbing whatever we want because we are in control.  Grab, Brag, Occupy forever - Palestine and the Occupied West Bank.  The lot.  All the land from the River to the Sea, as has the Likud Charter.

Further thoughts on antisemitism:
Antisemitism singles out only Jews for discrimination and prejudice as though only they are extra-special and that hatred, prejudice and discrimination against them is especially reprehensible and unacceptable.

In a way, it is too because the Jews, Israelis, Zionists are now very much part of the extra special Rich West, the Global White Minority in charge.  Therefore, being antisemitic is being anti-West or a self-hating Westerner.  We are all: Israel, N America and Europe in such an advantaged, indulged and entitled position in the world.  BUT, Climate Calamity is inescapable, even for us who have done the most to promote it.

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