The slave owners got wealthy beyond measure from stealing their slaves and not having to pay them a single cent or penny. Only to house and feed them in much less than the very fine state that the owners enjoyed.
When slavery was ended, the owners got bought off which made them even wealthier, courtesy of the taxpayers - you and I who paid more in our taxes, as a result, from doing honest toil and not directly gaining from slavery, unlike the owners.
The slave owners should not have been compensated when all they had to do was to continue to pay no wages to the slaves who became indentured workers to them for a set period. This was a new system of slavery, in fact.
The contract
Gladstone was promptly granted permission by Order in Council to recruit indentured labourers from his agent in India. Each indentured labourer signed a ‘girmit’ or indenture contract. The labourer was agreeing to work for a plantation owner for the period of five years as a ‘free labourer’ and with ‘mutual consent’, in return for accommodation, food and medical attention. Theoretically, the labourer would secure free passage back to India after five years. Gladstone’s ship, the Hesperus, sailed from Calcutta to Georgetown, British Guiana in September 1837
The greedy slave owners were very many of the MPs who made the law to greedily and selfishly benefit themselves even more from banning slavery!
The VIPs make the laws and order the very finest projects to benefit themselves under the guise of building better transport (HS2, Metro, Sprint) or more luxurious offices and homes for themselves. SOLIHULL, for example, one of the richest parts of the WMCA which already has an adequate bus, train and airport service, is benefitting from HS2, Metro and Sprint as well! QED
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