Monday, 24 February 2025

The WMCA is a Climate Criminal because ...

  • Over 40 years of destroying two mainline railways for a paltry 23 Kms of tramway remains the top priority for our W Midlands councillors to this day.
  • It was to be 200 Kms by the year 2000 CE.  By that date it was 19 Kms.
  • It has resulted in most of the staff at Centro/TfWM being tied up on replacing/duplicating buses and trains with trams, instead of working on the Action Points from the W Mids Climate Coalition.
  • It has all cost £100s millions in price and in weight of GHG emissions.
  • The year after solemnly declaring a Climate Emergency, in 2019, the Mayor and the WMCA announced 150 miles of mainly overground and underground tramways.
  • These people know full well that tramway construction uses very high emitting greenhouse gases (GHGs) to ACCELERATE the warming of the planet.
  • Over-heating the Earth to such dangerous levels that the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), since 1988, has warned repeatedly that it may be turning the Earth's protective atmosphere into the kind that uninhabitable Venus has.
What is so alarming is that in the 1960s when I was at secondary school, we were taught that there were 300 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere.  Now, in the 2020s it is 425 ppm.  This is a staggering increase.  Even more so in the snail-like geological time scale.  Are we turning Earth into an uninhabitable Venus that is further from the sun than Mercury but is hotter because of its 96.5% concentration of CO2 in its atmosphere?

"breathing (the thing that gets CO2 out of your body and O2 into your body) only functions properly where there is a really really large difference between the CO2 concentration in your blood and the CO2 concentration in the air."

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