Friday 19 March 2021

Birmingham Airport

With my councillor hat on - this is a tricky one, I think. On the one hand, I don't like the idea of a Green-led council (which Solihull will be, soon!) holding a stake in an airport; it feels incongruent. On the other hand, investment buys influence; the problem with not holding a position is that you don't then have a seat at the table, and the risk with the airport being entirely privately-owned is that it would be possible for BAHL to sideline the councils completely and agree expansion plans directly with the national Government. Solihull (for example) having a stake would allow us to make the Green counter-argument in the boardroom, and not just in the car park. Those aren't the rules I want to play by, but they're the rules we have and ignoring that because we don't like them is naive. So I'm not sold on complete divestment, at least not in the current context.

Steve Caudwell

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