Tuesday 2 March 2021

Cost of full FFPT is easily covered by LR mass rapid transit construction for converting some buses to trams

Hi Bob and David - and copied to four key players who are the decision-makers (to save time in writing to them individually.  But, it is as much for Trevor, Andy, Deborah and Ian as it is for Bob and David.  Even more important for those four than you two!).

£58.5 m/yr x 20 years to 2040 = £1,170 million for the existing concessionaires (freeloaders!) like us.

But £15 billion for tram extensions to replace mainly buses is £15,000 million
(one billion is a £1,000 million)

Therefore, £15,000 m divided by £1,170 m = 12.8

Therefore, the existing, partial FFPT is as little as 1/13 the cost of replacing only part of the existing mass rapid transit system of bus and train with the tram based (or light rail) mass rapid transit system.  This would very comfortably cover the cost of Regional (W Mids) FFPT for everyone - fully implemented.

It simply needs the political will to transfer the £15 billion (or £750 m/year) from capital to revenue to pay for a full, free public transport for all regional users.  This cuts greenhouse gases by a massive amount and is the most cost-effective way to avoid the charge of hypocrisy from declaring a climate emergency in 2019 and resolutely remaining on the Road, not to zero carbon, but to 'Nothing Ever Changes' - except worsening climates around the world.

Best wishes

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