Wednesday 24 March 2021

From excellent Eddy Morton and his success

Fantastic news !!! Our affordable housing project the Stourbridge PowerHaus has received planning approval from DMBC. This car free development that provides 11 affordable apartments with solar panels, roof garden, a shared home working space and air source heat pumps is built To Passiv House standards using sustainable building methods with U values down at 0.18 due to the closed wood panel construction and higher levels of build quality. Our philosophy is that affordable rent and energy creates more disposable income for tenants living in the town, which in turn will be spent in the local economy. This not only addresses issues of affordability and the local economy and High street but our ambitions around greater home working to reduce commuter miles and support the retention of creative, enterprising young people and key workers within the town. All of these measures help in our progress towards zero carbon, the challenge of reducing carbon emissions and other localised issues such as air quality and traffic problems.

Affordable rent will create an additional £1000 a year disposable income per resident which equates to 11,000 a year across the whole development that can be spent in the local economy.
Affordable energy will create an additional £3000 a year disposable income per resident
which equates to £33,000 a year across the whole development
Total increase in disposable income available to the local economy is £44,000
Over the total 25 years investment horizon of the Stourbridge PowerHaus development approx £1 million pounds in disposable income is made available to spend in the local economy .
Housing can be a huge driver in the re energising of local economies whilst addressing the issues of climate change and the local environment.
join us in the Re evolution.

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