Saturday 23 July 2022

Preferential treatment for migrants of all colours and all places

Would you help this cause of mine to welcome migrants and others badly housed in our borough by asking the authorities to give preferential treatment to "the stranger in our midst" by putting small, highly energy efficient and very low fossil fuel dependent apartments on High Plateau at Merry Hill Shopping Centre?  Plan here to show you where High Plateau is:


PLEASE SEND THIS (select, copy, paste as you wish) TO:

Put v low, finite fossil fuel apartments for those most badly housed (including those seeking refuge from war, famine and climate breakdown) on ALL of High Plateau at Merry Hill Shopping Centre.

This means permanently keeping Metro "bus on rails" trams off High Plateau.

Save nature at Merry Hill by permanently keeping the trams off the 400 m canal embankment with the planned £100m double track railway viaduct.

Let it be naturally rewilded with NO MORE MOWING to allow plants, shrubs and trees to sequester CO2 on the embankment, instead of the climate damaging concrete and steel viaduct.

STOP £0.6 billion, 10.7 Kms, Metro trams destroying the UK's only mothballed, principal mainline railway "of national strategic significance" in the heavily congested, densely populated Black Country.

Best wishes

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