Wednesday 27 July 2022

Union/Management Incompetence and Guilty Silence

Thanks, Carol who wrote, "I have discovered that one of the main arguments being put forward for metro vs rail is the number of stops where people can get off and on. Increasing footfall and revenue compared to rail???"

The wasted, still unused, principal mainline railway bridge built when the motorway opened in Dec 2003.  Built for slow "bus on rails" invisible ghost trams? :-The up line nicked by metal thieves! :-

More tram stops than train stations over the same distance makes the tram much slower than the train - average speed of the tram is 22 mph between Wolverhampton and St Chads tram stop in Brum on a former mainline railway between Shrewsbury and Brum.  Therefore, flash, over indulgent "bus on rails" trams are more suitable to replace diesel buses than trains.  In fact, to end up foolishly duplicating the bus service as we see on Hagley Road and Broad Street in Brum (for a scandalous, corrupt £110 m/Km construction cost).

Yet, it is not buses but regional and commuter trains that are getting mostly replaced by trams!  This is stupid, foolish and incompetent.  Two mainline railways have now had or having this treatment of trams on part to prevent, for ever, the regional and commuter trains being able to return on the full length of mainline commuter railway.  This is complete idiocy!

The UK Tram HQ at our Transport/WMCA HQ at 16 Summer Lane (vested interests at play here to corruptly influence decision makers) argues that trams are "buses on rails".  This was said by tram promotion group Director, Andrew Brodick in November 2016 when 7 passengers were killed and many tens of people had serious injuries when the Croydon tram crashed in a morning rush hour.  They should have just kept to the trains and buses, of course and the 7 would still be alive today.

Wealth flaunting "bus on rails" trams are totally unsuitable for a former principal mainline railway "of national strategic significance" as they are doing in the case of WBHE.  Sheer stupidity!
Tim Weller   0791 380 4363

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