Tuesday 17 January 2023

Dudley Gp of NHS Foundation Trust

Dear Helen - online Board meetings are great for maximum attendance and cutting car use!

I don't think I've had a reply to my concerns over how the Trust seems to be quite relaxed over the climate emergency.  It does look as though it is carrying on with business as usual.  But fine documents have been produced, I believe.

It does look as though little is being done about promoting cycling for the health and well being of staff.  Quite apart from the urgent need to reduce road congestion and air pollution.  Your next door, 22 Kms Black Country Cycle-Walk Mudway transformed is just one way to cut GHG emissions and for more cycle commuting to be enjoyed by staff and able bodied patients, like me, attending the hospital.

Can the Trust take full control of car parking to use the profits to bring in the Fare-Free Public Transport that I have enjoyed in the region for fifteen years?  Can some way be found to use car parking profits to boost bus use by both staff and patients?  There must be some way of doing it!  Can better minds than mine whirr into action?

It does look as though no action is being taken on making the hospital more energy efficient with insulation measures and PV solar on the roof to help reduce our reliance on rather finite fossil fuels and their disastrous consequences for climate and life support systems.

I would be glad to be put right over the climate/resources measures the Board is quickly bringing in.

Best wishes

PS bonus of 3 photos, 2 cartoons

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