Friday 13 January 2023

Political education

Chris, please don't go against my request for circulation by assuming no-one would read it.

I read the more voluminous material, but excellent stuff, that Richard circulates.  Please do the same for me.  Or, give me the email addresses.  We are meant to be encouraging and supporting one another, as I do in helping Richard and you both, wherever I can.  I am still circulating our 'Nine Action Points' from you both, for example, at WMCA and LA meetings.  Another 100 printed tomorrow.

I think it is extremely important to please circulate my stuff, as you do with Richard's, to help understanding and to get others, like you and Bob to help me with the bleeding obvious!  And, to get our Nine Action Points more widely understood and implemented.

Political education of us all is vital and, from whatever source, e.g. Stuart Richardson whom Bob seems to have a problem with.  And Bob, what is your problem with me?  Please tell me!

You wrote, "We need more folks to take on roles in these meetings such as note taking, facilitation managing the tech and getting involved in things between meetings etc….etc etc…."
I am involved all the time in progressing, advancing our cause!  Honest!  But please help me as I am helping you in forwarding what I have asked you to forward to everyone in WMCC.  Bob, will you do it, please?

Stopping funding of extensions of Metro and Sprint is the FIRST and most BASIC step towards addressing the climate emergency and getting funding for retrofitting.  Why do you both not see that?

Keep up the good work - both of you.

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