Dear friends - please do join us for active travel under our own steam
Sunday, 30 June 2024
2nd ANNUAL CYCLE OR WALK THE MUDWAY to get it transformed - on Sat 3 Aug 24 and Sat 10 Aug 24
Saturday, 29 June 2024
Our ideal mini power station of a home
The inclusion, below, of what I've written about 28 Hunnington Cres is so important to me and why, ideally, I would like it to remain within the Weller/Willson family - for one of the grandchildren, perhaps. But whoever does live in it, I don't want the next occupants, after mum and I, to revert back to how the house was. Jonathan has said, and I agree, that gas has to go for everyone one day. Therefore, the two gas heaters must eventually be taken out. They have served us well, are still working but both are now inefficient. It is even much more comfortable to have the infra-red heaters in front of you or even on the settee, as I like to have. They are slower at heating the room, so you do have to dress accordingly but, that has never been a problem for those of us who so love the outdoors! We all have to tread more lightly on the planet. Upstairs living during the daytime is very important for maximum warmth, minimum bills and lowest impact.
We two frugal fossil fueled OAPs finished our transition to low impact living on the 30 November 2023 when the gas meter was removed for free by our energy provider, Octopus. From then on monthly bills inclu VAT were:- Dec £50, Jan £42, Feb £22, March £28, April £23, May £24 and, £21 on 21 June. Averages out at £30/mth when 50% of that is standing charge (50p/day).
July 2024: £21
Aug: £21
Sept: £22
Oct: £25
Nov: £49
Dec: £49
Jan: £64
These texts to a friend summarise longer pieces on my blog
We Brits (and France) are to blame for the Middle East today, especially from 1917 to 1948. "Perfidious Albany", duplicitous Britain all helped the 1948 catastrophe for both Israel and Palestine continuing to this day.
I am horrified by Labour's unprincipled, 100% support for the most ever, extreme right-wing, ultra-nationalist, Israeli government committing acts leading to genocide, under the guise of a righteous War of Self Defence that never ends. With Labour supporting arms and ammunition to Iniquitous Israel and, fully supporting the American weapons going to Israel, still. I cannot bring myself to vote for any of the parties.
I want a unity, Coalition government to urgently address the climate and resource shortages and other multi-crises.
My first action would be to stop all arms and ammunition going from our shores.
It is unheard of for ordinary Christian believers to condemn militarism, imperialism, displacement of peoples and to condemn aggression rewarded by the keeping of land as we have allowed the State of Israel to do for 76 years. We don't allow other countries to be rewarded for land grabs but it's fine for our side to do it!
British Thuggery Around the World!:-
The Brits were responsible for the Palestine catastrophe in 1948, Kashmir impasse, the opium wars on China, South Africa war, Bengal famine, Amritsar massacre, solid support for numerous coups and SE Asian wars from our best mate USA, theft of the Chagos Archipelago that is part of the British Indian Ocean Territory and forced displacement of their people, Bloody Sunday in 1972, the 1840s Irish famine ...
The Great Bengal famine of 1770 struck Bengal and Bihar between 1769 and 1770 and affected some 30 million people.
The Bengal famine of 1943 was a famine in the Bengal province of British India (present-day Bangladesh, West Bengal and eastern India) during World War II. An estimated 0.8–3.8 million people died.
More recent studies, including those by the journalist Madhushree Mukerjee, have argued the famine was exacerbated by the decisions of Winston Churchill’s wartime cabinet in London.
Mukerjee has presented evidence the cabinet was warned repeatedly that the exhaustive use of Indian resources for the war effort could result in famine, but it opted to continue exporting rice from India to elsewhere in the empire.
Rice stocks continued to leave India even as London was denying urgent requests from India’s viceroy for more than 1m tonnes of emergency wheat supplies in 1942-43. Churchill has been quoted as blaming the famine on the fact Indians were “breeding like rabbits”, and asking how, if the shortages were so bad, Mahatma Gandhi was still alive.
Mukerjee and others also point to Britain’s “denial policy” in the region, in which huge supplies of rice and thousands of boats were confiscated from coastal areas of Bengal in order to deny resources to the Japanese army in case of a future invasion.
Repentance and reparations should "begin in the House of the Lord" (even the House of Lords where all the Top Bishops sit and ponder!)
Friday, 28 June 2024
CtS Hustings Questions
- What do you see as the role of faith groups in the life of the local community? John Nightingale and Chris Martin are exemplary in being active from two faith groups. I wish more were standing up for social justice and climate justice in the way they both do.
- Everyone, at some time in their lives, relies on services provided by the health and social care sector.
How does your party plan to resolve the present problems and provide world leading healthcare from which we will all benefit? I would dump all the lengthy OTT assessment writing I did as a social care worker. Adopt the best NHS from around the world. - Difficult ethical issues often arise when we talk about healthcare.
What factors are most important to you and how might you vote,
with regard to legislation that concerned ending the lives of the unborn or of the terminally ill? Abortion laws are as essential as contraceptives that must remain more used than abortion. I support and help fund 'Dignity in Dying'. - Our churches regularly assist those experiencing poverty, and together we set up and support the Black Country Food Bank, and the Life Centre in Stourbridge which provides debt advice.
How will your party tackle the injustice of poverty, so that all members of our community can flourish? I want to pay more income tax IF it supports the poor at home and abroad, is used to build a more sustainable, equal and fair society and NOT yet more WMD and other armaments that get sold on to dodgy regimes all over the world to kill people like me. - Charity begins at home, but it doesn’t end there. International Aid provides our nation with considerable international soft power, reduces economic migration, and promotes peace.
Will your party restore the development aid budget to 0.7% of GDP (or perhaps increase it?) and what other measures do you propose to take to support the poorest nations, especially as they face the worst impacts of climate change? I want 1% to go to NGOs with a good track record of practical work on the ground to alleviate suffering and who use solar power and other sensible technology. Try and bypass government departments. My own charities do excellent work. - As churches, we are increasingly hearing of young couples not wanting to have children because they are concerned about the future, with the risks associated with climate change, war, and financial pressures. How will your policies inspire children to have hope and ambition and equip them for an uncertain future? I'm responsible for two children and wanted no grandchildren because I am so concerned about our unsustainable lifestyles and warnings from prestigious bodies and respected people like David Attenborough.
- The Nolan Principles of Public Life
- selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, leadership - were established in 1995.
To what extent do you believe these principles still to be relevant?
And how do you expect to uphold these principles personally, and amongst your political colleagues? I have written two pages of evidence to show how the WMCA has broken all seven principles in connection with their 43 years over one futile, foolish transport development, still nowhere near completion. I would be happy to be picked up if anyone thinks I've broken any of the seven. - We’ve heard great ideas from each of you this evening, and whether or not we agree with what you’ve said, we’re inspired by your desire to serve all the people of our community and to improve life and lives here. Given that you are all so brilliant, how would you set about working more collaboratively with those in other parties, for the good of our community and for the country as a whole? I've been suggesting and writing for years that the two main parties on Dudley Council should work together in a mature and responsible way. Leadership should be shared and, following a party line be kept to a minimum. Public participation must be allowed at WMCA committee meetings, as Dudley has had for years.
Climate and the poor get subordinated to power, privilege and wealth
17 April 2024
Thursday, 27 June 2024
Questions for Opposition Leader Peter
You said you would give me one hour to discuss other matters but not the 3 Ts: trains, trams, transport
- What is the health job that you do, Pete?
- Why were you not selected to be the Labour candidate for Stourbridge? Or, are you standing elsewhere?
- Out of our national Labour Party leaders, since and including Tony Blair, which one was nearest to your own views and convictions?
- What are your views on how to deal with small-boat immigrants?
- How would you deal with the growth of net, legal, authorised migration into Britain?
- Do you want more pedestrianisation in Stourbridge to make it more like my home town of Halesowen?
- Would you support a BID for Stourbridge?
- What do make of the Black Country Cycle-Walk Mudway from Merry Hill to NW Wolverhampton?
- What would you do to protect nature and increase its cover at Merry Hill?
- How can you put a non-violent bomb under the authorities to put housing at Merry Hill for the most badly housed in Dudley?
- Will you do all you can to protect and enhance the public open space at Merry Hill?
- Do you support incentives to boost the growth of farming in tune with nature in our countryside surrounding Dudley Borough?
- Do you agree with the four new Trident nuclear submarines being built?
- Does Israel's War of Self-Defence have your full support?
- Are you concerned about the council's self-declared Climate Emergency?
One legacy of Empire attitudes
One legacy of Empire attitudes: The 76th Windrush anniversary on 22 June, of the arrival of the passengers of the Empire Windrush in the UK. The day celebrates the contribution and achievements of the Windrush generation and their descendants.
Tuesday, 25 June 2024
DIRT CAR RACING IN SCOTLAND - we are all climate deniers
6 May 2024
Lovely to hear from you, John and to write in the way you have.
Should our candidates now be speaking out against West Midlands armaments industry fueling the slaughter of wholly innocent Gazans (and West Bank Palestinians) who simply wish to LIVE and to live in peaceful co-existence with Israel?
Should our candidates be resisting the hundreds of millions going into multi-modal public transport that actually means regular trains and buses being swapped with the further roll out of Metro trams and Sprint buses?Should the candidates be acquainted with the uncomfortable fact that these kinds of extremely expensive expenditure (armaments and multi-modal public transport) simply accelerate the climate emergency and divert private and public funds from helping low incomes with, for example, regional Fare-Free Public Transport for every citizen?
Do you accept the scandal of £15 billion (2020 figure) for 150 miles, 8 lines and 380 tram stops of Metro tramway expansion in the West Midlands?
Do you accept that, as with High Scam 2 billions being transferred to other transport and non-transport schemes, this £15 billion must go to insulate the homes of the poorest in the W Mids?
Do you accept that Metro expansion will accelerate the climate emergency and worsen the plight of the poorest in our region?
Do you accept that social and climate justice to benefit low incomes, at the expense of the rich and totally unnecessary flash, posh, plush, wealth flaunting schemes must be our top priority?
Stambermill Viaduct built at the same time as Parkhead but gets no strengthening!
Dear friends
2010: WikiLeaks posts video of 'US military killings' in Iraq
In 2010, Wikileaks published a video from a US military helicopter showing the killing of civilians in Baghdad, Iraq.
A voice on the transmission urged the pilots to "light 'em all up" and the individuals on the street were fired at from the helicopter.
When a van arrived on the scene to pick up the wounded, it too was fired at.
Reuters photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen and his assistant Saeed Chmagh were both killed in the attack.
US Army Intelligence
Wikileaks has published hundreds of thousands of documents leaked by former US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning.
Documents relating to the war in Afghanistan revealed how the US military had killed hundreds of civilians in unreported incidents.
Further documents from the Iraq war revealed that 66,000 civilians had been killed - more than previously reported. The documents also showed that prisoners had been tortured by Iraqi forces.
One legacy of Empire attitudes:
One legacy of Empire attitudes: The 76th Windrush anniversary on 22 June, of the arrival of the passengers of the Empire Windrush in the UK. The day celebrates the contribution and achievements of the Windrush generation and their descendants.
Sunday, 23 June 2024
Sathnam is too kind about our fine Empire!
Balance and reasonableness and playing fair on the rich imperialists is only right (“playing cricket” as they instilled in the colonised!)
Hence, generous Sathnam wrote, “British imperial history was long and complex. Lots of good and lots of bad things happened.” (p 45 “Stolen History”, pub 2023)
“... by trading with them we made the local people wealthier too. Many of the colonized people were happy the British were there looking after them.” (p 43 ibid)
In 1948 or ‘49, Cinnamon Gardens Baptist Church in Colombo, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) asked the Baptist Missionary Society to recommend a white English pastor to be the Minister of their church. My dad got the job when I was a one year old.
We gave India cricket and their railways sooner than they would otherwise have had them.
We gave them the East India Company that “was established in 1600 to trade in silk and spices from Asia.” The British government gave it powers to colonise and run countries like India. It printed its own money and had its own army that was twice the size of the British Army, Sathnam noted.
We got really rich on the backs of the poor unpaid but still forced to work very long hours, press-ganged, imprisoned, branded like cattle and abused slaves over 300 years. How good of them.
BAD THINGS - outnumbering the good!:
Tim Weller
Untold wealth flaunting for rebuilt tram network and the military
Untold wealth flaunting for rebuilt tram network and the military but never for the poor and climate -so pathetic
STOP the greedy billions being filched from the poor needed to feed them and to heat their homes, for ostentatious, plush and posh trams to impress and attract tourists. The political parties have despicable priorities that must be challenged by more than this old crock (me)!
Friday, 21 June 2024
Meole Brace Park and Ride
It is URGENT that you leaders STOP ...
2 mins to select, copy, paste
SEND THIS to the powers that be, to avoid levelling up the rich owners of Merry Hill Shopping Centre by giving them, for free, yet more wealthy assets - this time a tramway, from public funds, too.
Please select, copy, paste to
THE TRAM TO SHOPS OR STATION - to Merry Hill or railway network?
Wednesday, 19 June 2024
In defence of our green belt
For the 48 years that I have lived in Halesowen, I have been writing in defence of our green belt. Is that longer than your good self, Ian?
- I called it our Golden Green Triangle of 38 sq m;
- In the triangle, I have planted over 100 of the right trees in the right place, such as the 40 at Ben's Wood, Frankley Services Northbound and the over 30 along the post and rail boundary fence, there;
- and, I called for our 38 sq m to be included in Andy Street's West Midlands National Park in order to stop further built development. You may recall what I said at the Green Belt Protection meeting at Earls High School at which James, Simon and Mick were on the platform.