Friday 14 June 2024

Make darling Bibi another, a second, Mr Chuckle to rival Rev Dr Ian Paisley

You mark my words, if Israel, with the most moral army in the world and, it is called a defence and not attack force, gave up warring against evil Hamas, Hamas would be all over us and Israel would be wiped off the face of the earth.

Evil has to be expunged by killing the evil Hamas fighters.  Talking, negotiating, compromising and sharing the land is no way strong enough to end the 76 years of intermittent war. 

You must agree that Israel is only defending itself, after all.  And the IDF goes out of its way to minimise civilian casualties, does it not?  The Israel Defence Force IDF has a ratio of two civilians dying for every Hamas fighter in this latest war of deliverance.  (SELF: In fact the Incompetent Defence Force killed three of the hostages who were stripped to the waist and with their hands up.)

In addition, our Constitution accepts that the State of Israel must, in due course stretch from the river to the sea.  And the Bible is on our side for all of it being the Promised Land.  Given by God and promised to us and to no other country in the world.  We are special, exceptional and the city set on a hill, to be a beacon of righteousness to all other nations.

Gaza, Judea and Samaria will be included in the State of Israel.  God will have His way as sure as night follows day.  No-one can stop the Lord God's willed settlements expanding to take up more of Judea and Samaria, especially as more Jews from all over the world come to their true land and inheritance.


"Divinely-appointed independence in 1948 foretold 2,500 years ago."

Isaiah 66:8
Who has heard such a thing?
Who has seen such things?
Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day?
Or shall a nation be born at once?

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